Make a Head Vase
Supplies needed:
about 2 pounds of clay
wooden smoothing tool
blue rib
needle tool
Steps to make a head vase
Make two large pinch pots
Join them at the base so they stand up and form a vase
Add arms (coils)
Add on sculpted features, and details like clothes
Glaze inside and out!
The form is two pinch pots, one for the shoulders and one for the head.
Add a coil in between to create a neck, or a base to close off the bottom and open the interior to the shoulders.
How to make the face 3D:
Nose is an upside-down triangle coil
Eyes can be just lids, or upper and lower lids made from thin coils
Mouth is a heart shape, or two coils, or a simple carved line
Pay Attention and Experiment:
Placement of eyes, nose and lips can create different expressions and character!
HINTS for making better art:
Add personal identity to your work! Think about your culture and what symbols represent you. Try to incorporate some of that imagery into your artwork.
Questions to ask in order to dig deeper:
·What traditions or customs were important in your childhood, and how have they shaped our family's identity?
·How has our family's history, including migration, ancestry, or challenges, influenced the values we hold today?
·What symbols, colors, or objects represent your heritage or background?
·If you were to create a visual representation of your inner self, what would it look like?
Still needs a little refining, but he's pretty much built!